Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Reflections


Throughout the process of creating my first serious weblog, it helps bringing me into the light of the theory that I have learned in our course (Issue in Data Publication). Hence, I will able to create good weblogs with a better web interface, and understand the document designs’ theory and apply it accordingly. As the purpose of my weblog is providing a better understanding of document design, I will suggest some important theories that is important and useful for people who interested in document design.

What I have learned…

According to Nielsen (2006), users would not read your text thoroughly in a word-by-word manner. As he continues, website users often read web pages in an F-shaped pattern. Hence, the implication to this problem is putting the most important information into first two paragraphs. Besides, users will notice subheads, paragraphs and bullet points with information-carry words when users scanning down the left side of your content (Nielsen 2006). In addition, document designers should remember that the reader’s eyes are more likely to gravitate to the top of the page and not the bottom (Penman 1998, pg11).
Moreover Penman (1998, pg.7) states that, all document need navigational or a way finding. As he continues, the more complex the document is, the important these devices are necessary.

Based on my weblog, I have designed my weblog with navigational devices in order to helps viewers to read my weblogs. Other than that reason, Nielsen (1997) states that reading from computer screens is about 25% slower than reading from print document. Thus, readers tends not to read streams of text fully and lazy to scroll. Consequently, I have combined writing (text) and visual representations such as video and picture to create multimodal texts in attempt to caught viewers’ attention.

On the other hand, Kress and Van Leeuwen (1998) states that “Reading paths begins with the most salient element, from there move on to the next salient element.” Thus it is important to decide which topic is the most salient element in order to capture viewers’ attention.

Furthermore, I hope through discussion of new forms of media publishing and the pro and cons of weblog and YouTube’s issue (Negarakuku’s incident), readers will aware the ethics of blogging. Besides, readers will have a big picture of current phenomenon in blogs and the trends in the blogs. For example, the rise of mobisodes, “24” hand phone version. Other than that, it is important to identify the differences between designing online document and print document.


Nowadays, Blogging is the major phenomenon and a trend to communicate with each others. Hence, by having the blogging knowledge and skill, you will be able to well communicate with your target audiences and convey your messages. Lastly, I really hope you enjoy reading my serious weblog and enhance your document design knowledge. Most importantly make use of the blogging information, skill and theories in this weblog.

Reference Lists:

Penman.R, 1998, “Document structure and readers’ habits”, Communication news, vol.11,no.2, pp.1 and 10-11.

Nielsen, J, 1997, “Be Succinct! (writing for the web)”,viewed 23rd May 2008 at

Nielsen, J 2006, F-Shaped Pattern for Reading Web Content, viewed 23rd May 2008, from <>.

Walsh, M 2006, ‘”Textual shift”: examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts’, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 24-37.

Freedom of speech in Malaysia


As Walsh (2006) states that, a pattern shift has happened in our society that is we are increasingly showered by multimodal texts. One of the examples is the case of “Negarakuku” in Malaysia.

According to The Star (2007), Malaysia student Wee Meng Chee has frequently courted controversy with his numerous postings on video search engine YouTube, but his latest songs of the national anthem has been severely criticised by politicians. Wee, a mass communications undergraduate at Ming Chuan University in Taipei, had posted a six-minute video of himself singing the national anthem mix together with rap on the popular video site (The Star 2007). Hence, due to his video clips contained racial slurs, Wee has come under fire for mocking national anthem and making offensive statements (The Star 2007).

Among the songs released by Wee include “Muar’s Mandarin” (麻坡的华语), a critical song directed at Malaysian Chinese and Malay people, and “Negarakuku” (I Love My Country Negarakuku). According to The Star (2007), his “Negarakuku” video clip has been viewed more than 400,000 times in half a month.

(Source from Google Image, Shoot of Wee Meng Chee)

Wee claimed that, “I’m simply reflecting the truth about our society through my music and I did not mean to offend anyone by producing such a video clip. I still love my country.”

Accusation of Disrespect

Public reaction towards the song “Negarakuku” is almost split. There are immediate reactions in the form of YouTube comment range from agreement with Wee and support him. However the others seem to attack Wee and accuse him for being disrespect towards Islam and Malay people.

According to Daily Express (2007), the Deputy Internal Security Minister Johari Baharu, said that if Wee has violated the country’s strict sedition laws, he would be punished by up to 3 years in prison and a fine of RM5,000 (US$1,400).

As Weber (1995) states that, everybody makes mistakes, thus do not jump to the conclusion of that action no matter how awful, was deliberate. In addition, Weber (1995) claims that knowing the consequences of doing your job and taking personal responsibility for one’s actions. Wee has posted a blog entry type in both Malay and Traditional Chinese on 12 August 2007, to clarify the nature of his song and its lyrics (The Star 2007). Other than that, Wee issued a public apology to the government and Malaysians who found it offensive.

As he said, “To end the controversy, I will remove the video clip from my blog and I hope other bloggers will stop distributing the video clip.”

(Source from YouTube, Video of Negarakuku)


Consequently, there are pros and cons of using this video sharing website, YouTube, and the blogging issues. Moreover, Wee has learned a lesson about the spirit of nationalism and race relations in the use of this new form of media publishing- YouTube and Weblog.

Reference Lists:

Daily Express News, 2007, “Negaraku is outside police jurisdiction”, Daily Expess, Malaysia, viewed on 13rd June 2008 at

The Star, 2007, “University Student Comes under Fire for Video Clip”, Star Publication, Malaysia, viewed on 13rd June 2008, at <>

The Star, 2007, “Student Rapper Apologies”, Star Publication, Malaysia, viewed on 13rd June 2008, at

Weber J.H, 1995, “Ethics In Scientific and Technical Communication”, Australia, viewed on 13rd June 2008, at <>

Walsh, M 2006, 'Textual Shifts: Examining The Reading Process With Print, Visual and Multimodal Text', Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29, no. 1, p. 24-37


Mobisodes Vs Television

According to Kress and Van Leeuwen (1998, p.186), nowadays multimodal texts are important, it is the combination of writing (text) and visual representations such as audio, sound, image and film in order to give meaning. Consequently, a new form of multimodal text media is being developed, that is video phones (Evans 2005).

(Source from Google: Example of Video Phone, IPhone has the function of viewing YouTube)

According to Neale (2001), As they continue to the concept of different genre, they are commercially formulaic marked by norms and conventions that presumed to cater consumer demand and audience expectation. Thus mobisodes is a new form of media that cater the consumers’ demand and audience expectation.

( Source from Googe, Example of Mobisode: Prisonbreak Mobisodes)


According to BBC News (2006), as a compare, the size of a television or computer screen seems to work for long-form shows whereas mobile phones has much smaller delivery systems that suitable for a shorter content. Besides, Evan (2005) claims that the small screen means wide panoramas (view) are a waste of space and close ups of characters work better.
Other than that, the other problem with cell-phone drama is copyright. That is most of the dramas are the possession of television companies, hence simply placing them on new broadcasting channels such as mobile phones will cause legal difficulties (Evans 2005).
As he continues, MTV and Microsoft are negotiating in order to find ways of bringing music video to phone screens. Other than that, the phone version of “24” will be re-shot with a new cast (Evan 2005).

(Source from YouTube: "24" mobisodes version)


“Such technology have actively encouraged fans to download a library of current and classic
trailers, to be played whenever the viewer wanted, rather than at a pre-set time and place, making the trailer collectable (Knight and Weedon 2008, pg.132).”

Mobile phone users have been keen to adopt and exchange free content rather than pay for new products (Knight and Weedon 2008, pg.132). As they continue, this desire for exchange and bartering in preference to a commercial transaction highlight some key forms of social interaction (Knight and Weedon 2008, pg.132).

According to Knight and Weedon (2008), smaller screens and mobility have changed fans’ interaction with the trailer text. During the football season in Britain, there are more than a million subscribers and video clips of top soccer matches were downloaded by 400,000 people (Evan 2005).

Hence it will be a large market potential for advertisers to launch their marketing campaigns through mobisodes. For example, Nike can negotiate with mobile video company about the product placement in the football matches on mobile phone.

In conclusion, users see value in time-saving devices (example: Mobisodes). That is from search facilities to predictive text and time saved can the be spent on the things they prefer, which might be collecting film trailers, reading a paper magazine or exchanging dance clips online (Knight and Weedon 2008, pg.133). Moreover, increasingly users are free to watch it anyway and anytime.

Reference Lists:

BBC News 2008, “Future of TV: The production company”, BBC News, BBC, viewed on 13rd June 2008, at

Evans.S,2005, “Short Mobile Movies in Your Pocket”, BBC News, BBC, viewed on 13rd June 2008, at <>

Kress, G & van Leeuwen, T 1998, “Front pages: (the critical) analysis of newspaper layout”, Approaches to Media Discourse, chapter 7, pp. 186-219.

Knight.J & Weedon.A, 2008, “Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.”,,SAGE Publication, London, viewed on 12nd June 2008 at, <>

Neale.S, 2001, “Chapter 1: Introduction: What is Genre?”, “The Television Genre Book”, British Film Institute, British, chapter 1, pp. 1-7.

Wikipedia Trust or Not?

According to Wikipedia (2008), wikipedia is written mutually by the volunteers from all around the world. Besides, it has grown rapidly into one of the largest reference website that attracting at least 684 million visitors yearly by year 2008 (Wikepedia 2008). Reep (2006) claims that viewers are attracted by valuable contain and well-presented information of the website.


Everyday hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world create or edit tens of thousands existing articles and new articles in order to enhance the knowledge held by the Wikipedia encyclopedia (Wikipedia 2008). Consequently, it means that people of all ages from different social, cultural, and education level “can” write or edit an article in Wikipedia encyclopedia. Thus Wikipedia’s reliability and accuracy are an major issue here.
Due to this reason, Wikipedia may include some newer articles that contain significant misinformation, wrong or harm content (Wikipedia 2008). This has resulted Wikipedia “make no guarantee of validity” of its content (Wikipedia 2008).

Wikipedia Vs Encyclopedia Britannica

Traditional encyclopedias such as Encyclopedia Britannica undergo formal peer-review process to the article whereas Wikipedia does not. Hence the source of valid information from Wikipedia has been criticised and have often compare to the Encyclopedia Britannica as an example of an accurate reference (CNET News 2005). Nielsen and Morkes (1997), states that information credibility is important on all websites, as audiences do not want to be "fed on false facts".
(Source from Google)
According to a study by Nature, wikipedia had 162 problems (series of factual errors, omissions or misleading statements) and Britannica had 123 problems. As they continue, that averages out to 2.92 mistakes per article for Britannica and 3.86 for Wikipedia. Thus as a compare, Britannica came out looking “a little bit” more accurate than Wikipedia.

CNET News (2005) states that “Wikipedia is about as good a source of accurate information as Britannica, the venerable standard-bearer of facts about the world around us”.
In my opinion, in order to tackle the problem of misinformation and credibility of Wikipedia, viewers should consider the accurate reference source from Wikipedia and get information from there. Besides, through citing from peer-reviewed article such as Harvard Business Review, viewers will get a better credibility of information.

Reference Lists:
CNET, 2005, News 'Study: Wikipedia As Accurate As Britannica', viewed on 12nd June 2008 at, <>

Morkes,J & Nielsen, J, 1997, “Concise, Scannable, and Objective: How to write for the web.”,, viewed on 13rd June 2008 at, <>

Reep, D, 2006, “Technical Writing”, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, New York.

Wikipedia, 2008, “About Wikipedia”, U.S., viewed on 12th June 2008 at,

Blogs for Evils...Cyberbullying

In the dawn of 21st Century, version of traditional bullying and threats of physical violence are easy to make secretly online.

According to Walsh(2006), most of the texts are multimodal text, and it consists a combination of words, video, images and other visual modes. As he continues, a pattern shift has happened in our society that is we are increasingly showered by multimodal texts. Thus many problems are growing across the whole world with more young people having access to computers, using instant messaging (example: MSN) and more of them having mobile phones. Hence blog is widely used by teenagers as a medium to torment and bullying the internet users. One of the approaches is “cyber-bullying”.

Such unethical blogging methods has resulted a big problem across the world. According to the research “Cyber-bullyinmade by Pew Internet and American Life Project (2007), about 32% of all teenagers who use the internet say they have been targets of a range of annoying and potentially threatening online activities. In addition, these activities include sending blackmails, nude or ugly picture and even death threats.

According to a BBC news article “What can stop cyber-bullying” (2007), cyber-bullying is using communication technology such as internet or a cell phone to send threatening information in order to embarrass, humiliate another person or a group of people. Victims of bullying has fewer places to hide as mobile phones and computers have become the weapons of choice for bullies, (“Cyberbullying”,2007).

Source from MSNBC (2007), "John Halligan shows the Web page devoted too his son, Ryan, at this home in under hill, Vt.Ryan, bullied by classmates for months online, killed himself in 2003."

Tyra Banks's Commitment

Tyra Banks, a celebrity has shown her commitment in the campaign of helping teenagers to prevent cyber-bullying. In her show "the tyra banks show" on the effects and consequence of cyber bullying, which is easy to do because cyber-bullies might be emboldened when using electronic means to carry out their antagonistic agenda since it takes less energy and courage to express hurtful comments using a keypad or a keyboard than with one’s voice.

She says that, “cyber bullying, a deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others, and is done anonymously online. An example of suicide from the cyber bullying is the Megan Meier case.

Source from YouTube

It was shows that (Wikipedia 2008):

* 42 percent of kids have been bullied while online. One in four have had it happen more than once

* 35 percent of kids have been threatened online. Nearly one in five had had it happen more than once.

* 21 percent of kids have received mean or threatening e-mails or other messages.

* 58 percent of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online.

Reference Lists:
Lenhart.A, 2007, “Cyberbullying and Online Teens”, Pew Internet and American Life Project, viewed on 13rd June 2008 at,

“Cyberbullying” 2007, BBC News, viewed on 12 June 2008 at,

“What Can Stop Cyberbullying?” 2007, BBC News, viewed on 13th June 2008 at

Walsh, M 2006, 'Textual Shifts: Examining The Reading Process With Print, Visual and Multimodal Text', Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29, no. 1, p. 24-37

Wikipedia, 2008, “Cyber-bullying”, U.S., viewed on 12th June 2008 at,

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Purpose of my blog

Bloggers' Vitamins

"Daily Dosage"

Nowadays, bloggers has been increasing significantly time by time. It is important for bloggers to know how to blog and what benefit can we gain through blogging communities. The purpose of my blog is to share the information that I have learnt in my course "Issue in publication and design". Moreover, provide and share the blogging information with readers who are interested in this field. For instance, "what is the differences of designing for online document (blog) and print document?". Through blogging, I can easily communicate with audience who are interested in this field. Lastly, feel free to leave your comment and share your mind here.

New forms of media publishing

Newest trends and forms of media issues

One of the newest trends of the new forms of media publishing is Youtube. Youtube is a video sharing website where anyone can upload, view, share and leave comment to video clips.

According to USAToday (2007), Youtube is the leader in internet video search. As they continue, there are 2.5 billion video were watched on Youtube which is based in San Mateo and California. As a result, Youtube has added benefits to the communities that people can discuss, share, upload their video at there.

CNN/ YouTube Debate Responses Live (viewed 6th May 2008)

Recently, Youtube and CNN has discussed the “Most Democratic” presidential debate ever in America. O’Brien (2007) states that, “YouTube and CNN have created a new debate format in which voters will send in video questions for the would-be-commanders-in-chief to answer in televised forums.” Therefore, Youtube has become not only a new form of media publishing but creating chances for everyone to ask a question of the future president.

Example of presidential debate by Youtube :

"In 2007, CNN and YouTube partnered to let average Americans ask debate questions to presidential hopefuls. Here, the Republican candidates answer YouTubers' questions." (Stickland, 2005, viewed 6th May 2008)

Reference Lists:

O’Brien.L, 2007, “YouTube and CNN discuss “Most Democratic” presidential debatesever”, viewed 6th May 2008,

Stickland.J, 2005, "How youtube works", Howstuffworks, viewed 6th May 2008, <>

USAToday, 2007, “YouTube serves up 100 million video a day online”, viewed 6th May 2008, <>

Designing for online document versus print document

Designing for online document versus print document

According to Nielsen (1997), reading from paper is about 25% faster than reading from computer screens. Therefore readers will feel unlikable when reading the online text. As they continue, designer for online webpage should write 50% less text and keep pages short in order to make the readers feel comfortable when reading an online document.
Nielsen (1999) states that printed document can stun the reader with high-impact visualization, but the online medium eventually wins because of the user engagement that is made possible by non-static design elements. As he continue, print design is based on letting the eyes walk over the information, whereas web design functions by letting the hands move the information (by scrolling or clicking).
Generally, there are three main guidelines when designing the online document. Niesen (1997) claims that, the three main guidelines are as below:
· Be succinct.
· Write for scannability.
· Use hypertext to split up long information into multiple pages.

Due to screen readability problem, designing for online document has to be succinct. That is, writing not more than 50% of text as compare to print document text. As skimming through an online document is a fact of the Web, we need to emphasize and highlighting the keywords of document in order to make the document scannability.
On the other hand, online document should integrate pictures and words together in order to help readers meet their goals (Scriver 1997, pg361). Scriver (1997) also states that a picture is only sometimes worth a thousand words.

Example of printed document

Example of online document

Best & Worst Weblog/Website

Nielsen (1999) claims that “Anything that is a great print design is likely to be a lousy web design.” Therefore designing a weblog or website should be different from print design, and should focus more on how to create interaction with the readers. Below is an example of bad Website.

Example of bad website (The worst website that I've ever seen.)

Reference Lists:
Nielsen, J 1997, Be succinct! (writing for the web), Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox, viewed 8 May 2008,
Nielsen, J 1999, Differences Between Print Design and Web Design, Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox, viewed 8 May 2008, <>.
Schriver, K. A. 1997, ‘The interplay of words and pictures,’ in Dynamic in document design: creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub., New York, pp.361-441.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Classification of blogs & examples of blogging communities

Classification of Blogs

There are hundred million of blogs out there, but in general most of the blogs write about entertainment, personal, politics, and fashion. According to Wikipedia (2008), there are many different types of blogs, differing not only in the type of content, but also the way of how the content is deliver or written. Below are examples and different types of blogs in Malaysia:

By Blogs’Genre:
· Personal Blogs:, Alex Allied
· Entertainment Blogs:
Yasmin The Story Teller, Afdlin Shauki
· Political Blogs: Screenshot , Lim Kit Siang
· Technology Blogs:,

By Media Types:
· Vlog (video blog): A blog comprising videos.
· Linklog( link blog): A blog comprising link.
· Sketchblog: A site containing a set of sketch.
· Tumbleblog: Blogs with shoter post and mixed media types.
· Photoblogs: Blogs that includes photo.

By Device:
· Moblog (mobile phone blog): Blogs written and composed by mobile devices, for instance: mobile phone and PDA, are considered as moblog.

Example of Moblog (Sean Gardinier, use moblog to share his personal adventures and educational technology views.)

By Status of Publisher:
· Corporate Blogs: A blog consists of business purposes. It can be used internally in a corporation.

However, there are many blogs combine different topics, styles and format. Firstly, I will look at the content of the blogs in order to identify topics that are suitable for me. Other than that, the blogging styles of the author are important to me as well.

Blogging Communities

What is a blogging community? Generally, people use it to interact and share their interest among the community. Besides, it connects and link the bloggers together. There are a few popular blogging communities, for instances,
Friendster, Facebook and Blogspot. These blogging communities have become a new method to interact with people. One of the methods that they use to create the connection among the bloggers is, they make use of chat box to let people express their view and communicate with other bloggers.

Example of Facebook

Example of Friendster

Trend in Blogging Communities

Currently, one of the trends in blogging communities is many of celebrities start to become bloggers. That is, Colbie Marie Caillat, a American pop singer-songwriter. Her popularity was built up based on her song “Bubbly” that she uploaded on her MySpace profile.

Colbie Marie Caillat Myspace (a celebrity who used blogging commuities, Myspace to build up her popularity, now she is a one of the famous pop singer-songwriter.)

Reference List: Wikipedia 2008, ‘Blog’, viewed 5 May 2008,<>.

Blogs as current phenomenon and effects on community

Size and Phenomenon of Blogging

In Malaysia, blogging has become a phenomenon that results effects on different communities. Currently, the size of Malaysia’s blogosphere has increased significantly. A research conducted by MSN Live Spaces across Asia,
Blogging Asia: A Windows Live Report has shown that blogging is a strong force in Asia. The sample size was over 25,000 and the data were analysed by a market research firm, Harris Interactive. According to Windows Live Report (2006), the statistic below shows the facts of Asia’s bloggers:
  • Young people and women dominate (except India where it is overwhelmingly a male
  • 41% of bloggers spending more than three hours a week on blog.
  • 55% of bloggers in Asia were found to be female and 45% male, at the same time, 64%
    of Malaysian bloggers are females compared to 46% in the US.
  • 53% of bloggers choose to start their blog by sharing photo album and diary.

In addition, they claim that 56% of Asian bloggers are under 25 years old, while 35% are 25 to 34 years old, and 9% are 35 years old and above. 74% of bloggers in Malaysia are under 25. Compare this to the US, where 46% of bloggers in the US are aged 30 or over.
On the other hand, The Star Online (2006) states that most of the Malaysia’s bloggers are women as well and they primarily do it express and share their view with friends and family.

Types and Trends are prevalent in Malaysia

According to The Star Online (2006), the blog-reading habits are generally around three fields. That is, 63% of respondents said they read blogs for entertainment, whereas technology, travel and music were the three most widely and popular read blog topics across Asia and in Malaysia. Other than that,
Sabahan (2007) states that, out of the top 50 most influential blogs in Malaysia, 28% of bloggers write about their personal issues; 16% of bloggers write about politics, and 16% of them write about technology. As they continue,, which is the Malaysia top blogger, write about personal issues and gain 4,828 links from 2,406 blogs and also ranked 234 in Technorati Rank.

Benefits of Blogs to Malaysian Commuinities

According to The Star Online (2006), “Blogging has moved into the mainstream in Asia and Malaysia, and has become a popular way to stay in touch with family and friends,” said Grant Watts, Microsoft South-East Asia general manager for online services group. Therefore one of the benefits of blogs to Malaysian Communities is the ability for readers and authors to leave comments in an interactive format and in a meanwhile create communities.
Blogging becomes a political force
Blogging has become a mainstream for politicians as a tool for express their opinion and forming their own communities. For instance, In Malaysia, Screenshot which is one of the top 4th Malaysia’s most influential bloggers. Jeff Ooi has made use of blog to form his own communities, promote his campaign and also express his political view against other politicians. Now, he has become a member of Democratic Action Party (DAP) and also member of Malaysia’s parliament.

Example of Jeff Ooi Blog

Reference Lists:, 2007, “50 Most Influential Blogs in Malaysia” Viewed on 8th May 2008 at <>

The Star Online, 2006, “Most bloggers are women”, viewed 8 May 2008, <>.